Thanks to Mr Dave Heath whose idea sparked in banterous conversation became the cartoon you see before you above. If that works as a sentence. Nice one!
Apparantly though, as I found out after drawing this, you can actually get crutches with springs in which act as shock absorbers. Obviously not for launching people into the air. Which is a shame. It could be adapted for military uses, like to launch troops over compound walls, make the enemy laugh, and when they're distracted.....
So far, 'pies' are winning in the WHAT'S BEST poll to the right, so may I urge you , if you think this is an injustice, please address it, and vote for what you know to be good and right. Thankyou.
Hi ho,
It's been a few days longer than I would've liked since the last update, but that's the way it is...
Matt from Chewing Pencils gave me a plug for the animated short I'd made with some old friends. His site is here, and is a good way of seeing what other cartoonists are up to. Thanks, Matt!
Must be off, doing an animation- themed evening at me church...
Should get another cartoon on in the middle of next week...
Apologies for being a bit late this week, but I am on holiday... Have a look here, it's a video some friends of mine (from Quirkymotion, link on the right) have done for a band for the BBC's recent Electric Prom. It's got a cool style, and can be used with 3D glasses! Nice one, chaps!
And now, to design a website for my wife's florist business.... (the link for her blog's on the right as well...)
this, alas, is the bottom of the page and you can't go further. turn back!
may as well add that everything on this blog is Copyright 2007- 2009 Chris Cox All Rights Reserved.